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Sunday Wellness

Monthly (one-day) retreats with a gentle introduction to soul searching and personal growth

30 July | Power of Perception

Pullenvale, QLD

9:00 AM - 3:30 PM

Grab your ticket

"What a wonderfully restorative & reflective day. Women need this - thank you for providing such a beautiful container for everyone."

"Amazing opportunity to stop for a few hours and redefine what's important to me. Provided a lot of clarity."

"Another great day surrounded by thoughtful and open women. Lovely structure and atmosphere. I’ll be back."

Why Attend?

We believe you have all the answers inside of yourself to create the changes and/or the life you desire but finding the time and quiet space can be challenging. So, we created the environment for you - all you have to do is show up!

At Sunday Wellness Retreats we use movement, powerful questions, meditation, and discussion to consider new possibilities, perspectives and ideas.

For anyone that is craving to slow down and reconnect

About Us

Sunday Wellness Retreats started in March 2020 and have run over 15 successful retreats.

Suzie & Katie met via Instagram, yes you heard that right, social media can be a great tool for genuine connection! They are both certified yoga teachers who are passionate about wellbeing and the power of the mind.

They offer a safe, calm & caring environment.

Katie Delimon

Yoga teacher, Mindfulness Mentor,
Reiki Practitioner and Author

Born in the US, Katie is a free spirit who once worked and lived in NYC, LA and SYD. She learned a lot but never felt fulfilled until stumbling into a meditation retreat along some of her travels in 2014 where her life was forever changed. Katie believes our bodies and minds are desperately seeking ways in which to slow down and that understanding ourselves, through a harmonious body-mind connection, is the beginning of true ease, inner peace and wisdom. Her hope is therefore to share with as many people as possible, a realistic approach to a balanced life, through holistic yoga, meditation and mindfulness experiences.

Suzie Aron

Yoga teacher, Business Owner,
Student and Mama

Suzie spent a decade working in the corporate world, trying to fall pregnant and feeling very tired - all the time! That was until she found Yoga, which opened her up to a new way of being. Over the past decade, Suzie started her own business, became a yoga teacher, had 2 children and has just completed her Master of Social Work. Suzie believes that all the answers to our questions and problems lie within ourselves if we stop and take the opportunity to listen and connect. She is passionate about helping women to reconnect with themselves, nurture their creativity, and rediscover their desires and dreams.

Power of Perception

The theme for the day is the Power of Perception. Perception is merely a lens or mindset from which we view people, events, and things. It is based on our past experiences and our relationship to the present moment. We believe what we perceive to be accurate, and we create our own realities based on those perceptions. And although our perceptions feel very real, that doesn’t mean they’re necessarily factual. We will take a deep dive into how you perceive yourself, others and the life unfolding around you.   

Time is the most valuable/ only asset we will ever have - how do you spend it?

In an age of acceleration, nothing can be more exhilarating than going slow. And in an age of distraction, nothing is so luxurious as paying attention. And in an age of constant movement, nothing is so urgent as sitting still.

-Pico Iyer


(9 am - 3:30 pm) We start and end our day in a circle

  • Two Yoga classes (Vinyasa AM, Yin PM)
  • Yoga Nidra
  • Sound Healing with Katie
  • Guided Meditations, breath work
  • Discussions
  • Reflection

What to bring

No yoga experience is necessary. All levels welcome

  • An open mind
  • Comfortable clothing
  • Notebook + pen
  • Refillable water bottle
  • Yoga mat (if you prefer to use your own)
  • Scarf /shawl / covering to keep warm
  • Carpool if you can

*Lunch and snacks will be served. Botanica Real Food provides lunch -Vegetarian, GF & DF

In my first retreat, I finally experienced deep rest… and I mean proper DEEP rest, enough to reset my frazzled high functioning sympathetic nervous system. It hit a place that nothing else could and at that moment I decided to book in to attend every retreat for an entire year. It restored my faith in humanity and has helped me become what I wanted to see in the world.

Book ahead

Each retreat is run similar, with a different theme woven through

Wisdom of Emotions

16 October 2022

 In order for change to happen we'll need to face what challenges we are being presented with and the emotions that arise.  

Sign Up

Protect your Peace

12 March 2023

Reflect, set boundaries, and build in self-care strategies to ensure you are protecting your sense of peace above all else.

Power of Perception

30 July 2023

Our perceptions feel very real, but that doesn’t mean they’re factual. Dive into how you perceive yourself and the world around you.

Contact Us

Studio Temple Retreat: 580 A Grandview Road, Pullenvale QLD

Time: 9am - 3:30pm

Phone: KD 0451 052 663 / SA 0409 233 451


You won't regret it

30 July - Power of Perception

"A great event that helps you to get to know yourself and your body. It highlights how important it is to take time off and to look after ourselves."

"Coming to the Women’s Wellness Retreat was a great gift to myself – and I’m sure not only to me but also the people I love will benefit."